For those who have yet to find true love, speed dating may be considered as an alternative way to find a partner.
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1Collision also had a feature similar to TED's speed dating called Mingle.
2At Vybe, game nights and speed dating sessions are all online now.
3She's tried her hand at speed dating and found Craig, a potential candidate.
4Ritual defecation is the sloth equivalent of speed dating, just without the speed.
5It is to film criticism what speed dating is to marriage.
6For the uninitiated Dubstarts is a bit like speed dating for unemployed hipsters.
7Fancy a round of silent speed dating or a supper safari?
8Her heart beat like she was at a speed dating service.
9It could give a whole new meaning to speed dating.
10One is about Muslim speed dating, another's entirely in verse.
11In speed dating you have only moments to impress.
12The Dunedin Youth Council organised speed dating with hopes it will get more young people voting.
13My last date just wore me out, she said during the speed dating session filmed in Launceston.
14And the offline dating market is booming too, with events from silent speed dating to masked balls.
15It's like speed dating without the speed.
16Seeking post-match quotes is like speed dating.